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Doraemon Nostalgia Music Box

RM 76.30
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Memori Doraemon dalam hati dipanggil, putar kotak muzik, sentuh hati;

Pilihan nostalgia kanak-kanak, hadiahkan kepada keluarga dan rakan satu meja waktu yang indah;

Melodi klasik melingkungi, kualiti silikon yang halus;

Hiasan yang comel untuk menghilangkan tekanan, menghiburkan diri dalam kesibukan, kembali kepada kekanak-kanakan.





Awaken the memories of Doraemon in your heart, rotate the music box and caress the heartstrings;

Childhood nostalgia choice, send friends and relatives to enjoy the feast of time;

The classic melody lingers on, the texture of silicone is exquisite;

Cute ornaments decompression, busy relaxation, regaining the innocence of children.

Availability : In Stock

Delivered in 3-7 working days,

excluding Sunday & Public holiday

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